Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Three down, two to go.

Last weekend, I had the privilege of working with a program here on the YWAM base called Homes of Hope. Every year they build hundreds of new homes for poor families living in the colonials (impoverished areas of Ensenada). I have grown up on construction sites with my dad and I loved the idea of building a home here in Mexico! The way Homes of Hope works is that these families come and apply for a home and go through interviews to select families most in need. Then churches, families or even businesses will come down to Ensenada for two days to build a home. Several of the students paired with these groups and headed out! The two days were filled with painting and hammering! All of the neighborhood kids were running around and playing with us when we should have been working! I loved just spending time with them though, we played games, told stories, and just loved them! It broke my heart to see that the house we were building was triple the size of the shelter they were living in! When the home was finished, the family was given a new bed, table, curtains and food staples. They were also given a Bible. Tears were in my eyes as the father kissed it and lifted it into the air! It reminded me how often I take the Bible for granted when there are hundreds of people who long to read it. Definitely an experience I won’t forget!

Christmas is right around the corner and it’s beginning to feel like it here on the YWAM base! Last week we had our Christmas party and my friend Courtney and I made a German chocolate cake to take! It was quite an adventure trying to find all the ingredients in a Mexican Walmart… we even had nuns trying to help us! There wasn’t anything you could do but laugh as we led a train of people through the store trying to communicate with limited vocabulary and lots of hand motions! We finally found our ingredients and had a blast getting in the kitchen and doing a little seasonal baking! Then we had to work on our costume for   the party! 

A group of us headed to several little shops called Segundas which are a lot of little second hand stores! I pieced together a little lady bug outfit and my friend Shelby made a bumble bee outfit! I loved the opportunity to get a little creative! Since there is no snow on the ground, it helped to put everyone in the Christmas spirit! We even had a typical Mexican Christmas meal… Tamales!

This Wednesday I leave for the outreach portion of my DTS! I can hardly believe that the time has come! I know I speak for every student when I say it is very bitter sweet! On one hand, I am so excited to go into the community and put into practice everything we have been taught! On the other hand, I am so sad that the school is going to be split into two different outreaches! For the first month my team will be staying here in Ensenada working with several local ministries from December 17th to January 6th. On Christmas day, I will be working with a children’s ministry putting on a Christmas program! I know it is going to be hard to be away from my family, but when I sit back and realize where I am and what I am doing, it puts everything into perspective.  For the second month of outreach, I will be heading to Belize! For that portion, we will be doing extensive school ministry. Not necessarily doing evangelism, but more on a relationship level. I am so excited for what God has in store! I will only have limited internet connection, so I will try to keep as connected as I can!