Friday, September 26, 2014

How did I get here?

Last week I flew over 2,000 miles to embark on a brand new adventure! When I arrived in Ensenada, Mexico for a Discipleship Training School, I wondered what in the world I was getting myself into! Whether I like it or not, I was stuck in this place with a little under 30 students for the next several months! You may be asking why I am here, so let’s back up a bit…

When I graduated a year early from high school this spring, I was collage prepped and ready to go. Everything pointed to the traditional education; I already had several music scholarships without even applying at schools. With quite a few nurses and doctors in my family and everyone expected me to go that direction but part of me always felt a tug to do ministry. There came a point where I had to start applying for collages. I felt like everyone expected me to know what to major in and I became so overwhelmed with the decision.  I was looking at different majors, but nothing seemed like right fit. I felt such a burden of needing to know where I should go. One night, I fell face down on the ground and poured out my heart before the Lord. I cried out for direction and guidance and after a few moments, a peace that I had never felt before washed over me. Part of me was so happy that this weight was lifted and another part of me was beyond frustrated that God had not answered my questions! I knew He would direct me; I was just tired of waiting on Him. Tears streamed down my face as I walked slowly over to my bed happy, yet disappointed and picked up my Bible.  As I began to read, God smacked me in the face with His answer.

Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” 
I immediately had my answer. God took that moment to teach me to wait on Him day by day. He might not reply when you think you need it, but when He knows the timing is right. I have never had such a clear word from Him. He had perfectly directed me to what I should do.

I decided to skip collage this fall and take a year devoted to getting to know God better. Long story short, I ended up applying for a Music and Missions YWAM base in Mexico and arrived on September 18th for 5 months.  When I first walked into the courtyard, I couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed! The past few days have flown past. I have made so many close friends that we all agree it feels as if we have known each other for years. As much as I miss my family and friends back home, I absolutely LOVE it here! God has given me so much peace it only confirms that this is exactly where I am meant to be.

We had a mariachi band come to play for us the first night!
The other day while I was reading, I began to realize how complacent about the gospel I have become.

Galatians 5:7, “You were running the good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”

 What a powerful reminder. I think a lot of times we get too carried away with our busy lives… traveling to work, taking care of our families, hanging out with friends. Don’t get me wrong, all of these things are important, but if we let it, it often drains us of our precious time. How often do I waste my  time on insignificant things?  I have talked to many people in my 17 yrs. and I have heard the same thing. Your drift away from God is gradual. It doesn’t happen all at once. I’m not talking about going of the deep end, but it is so easy for God to become second in our lives. I know I was not pursuing God with my whole heart and I am so excited to fall more in love with him.
Anyways Mexico is amazing and I am absolutely loving every minute. I know I didn't put to many details...
I live right next to the beach!
but there will be more updates to come!